In between our Main Stage productions, we often produce all kinds of festivals to showcase different types of theater. Keep scrolling to learn more about Masterpiece Monologues, Kid's Korner, Fast and Furious, and more!
From time to time, we produce online streamed collections of monologues written by playwrights near and far and starring local actors! Classic and Contemporary, we explore Shakespeare, Ancient Greek selections, Classic Americana, and brand new works from international playwrights.
What happens when dozens of local 1st Grade students each write their own play? Why, they get produced, naturally! Stage Left is proud of our ongoing festival of young playwrights. Kids' Korner brings local and professional actors to the stage to breathe life into these adorable, funny, and often outrageous scripts.
Don't blink or you'll miss this unique festival of one page plays! In one evening, we present up to 40 plays from playwrights all over the world. We are so proud of the wide array of journeys this festival will take you on in a matter of minutes!
An evening of original short plays submitted from across the Pacific Northwest! Actors and narrators bring the playwright's words to life. Over the years, this festival has attracted a wide variety of topics from playwrights with diverse backgrounds who all have stories to tell – but only have 10 pages to tell it!
Stage Left is proud to be the inaugural home of fresh new works: Award-winning productions from local and international playwrights! To submit your play, email, and use "New Work" in the subject line. We're happy to answer questions about submissions as well – Let's see whatcha got!
If you want more information about upcoming Festivals, or have an idea of your own for a new festival to bring to Stage Left, email us at
Stage Left Theater
108 West 3rd Avenue, Spokane, Washington 99201, United States